Monday, April 26, 2010

From Work to Survival: Cast Away

Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) is a work-o-holic manager for fed ex. He spends his career traveling the globe preaching to fed-ex employees the importance of time and diligence. Chuck’s home life revolves around his girlfriend Kelly (Helen Hunt), who he is madly in love with. Chuck receives word he must leave his home in Memphis for a business trip during the winter holidays. While traveling, chuck and the crew undergo a horrible crash. Chuck is the only one to survive. For four years, Chuck endures time on an island with no contact to the world. Finally, his attempt to make it home prevails. He returns to find out that his beloved Kelly is married with children.

In exploring Cast Away’s existentialist qualities, I look chiefly at Chuck Noland. Early in the movie, Chuck is depicted as a work first and family second type of man. He devotes the majority of his time and energy to his work. Chuck’s job might not be something he necessarily has love for, but he makes it the driving force behind his decisions. This leaves us with Chuck’s first life altering decision. He chooses to leave Kelly and their time over the Christmas Holiday so he can make an extra over-seas work trip. Chuck thinks he establishes a sense of individuality at the time and makes the choice that HE thinks is right. Given his priorities, his actions define him and correlate to the passion he has for his job.

Chuck Noland makes another life defining choice after his time in seclusion from the real world. Before Chuck experiences the crash, he lets his job make the choices for him. He lives life objectively and agrees to whatever his job asks of him. After the plane crash, every single day becomes a blessing to Chuck and his choices become more important to him. He realizes that if he wants to live a fulfilling life, he will have to make choices for himself and for his love, rather than for his company or other people in his life. Near the end of the movie, Chuck decides to visit Kelly. As he is about to leave, Kelly comes running from the house and they both confess their love for one another. Chuck wants nothing more than to be with Kelly for the rest of his life, but he chooses to let her go. Although he loves her dearly, his life has much changed since four years ago. He has a new plan for himself now, and as much as Kelly was a part of his old life, Chuck must leave his past behind so he can start a new life. When Chuck returns the locket to Kelly, it symbolizes their parting and Chuck’s moving on. Ultimately, Chuck realizes he must create his own path by finding a sense of individuality through the things he loves.

Watch from 2:04:00 to 2:09:00

-Matthew Dumoff

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