Saturday, April 25, 2009

coin flip as matter of life, death

This notorious scene from the Coen brothers' No Country For Old Men probes the dynamic between fatalism and existentialism. It takes the coin flip-- generally the epitome of pure chance, impersonal probability-- and frames it as a matter of personal choice with the ultimate stakes.

...further analysis to come.

In the meantime: Watch. Ponder. Consider. Reflect. Mull over. Comment (please?).


  1. Perhaps it is a commentary on how under an existentialist view, the very existence of man is an accident. That wether we exist or not is a choice based on nothing. The man making the right choice is pure accident, his life is pure accident. Everything is just action and consequence.

  2. Yes. And any man who thinks himself greater than an accident is Sartrian "scum." Maybe that's what Anton Chigurh hates, what he's trying to critique, what he's trying to drill into people's heads (literally, tee-hee).
