Monday, April 27, 2009

Red Pills

The 1999 science fiction film The Matrix deals with many philosophic and religious ideas. Neo is given the option to choose a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to continue living his life in bondage to the machines. To be left an unknowing slave. However the red pill, would allow him to know the truth. New realizes that this decision will forever shape his life. This scene could not be filled to the brim with existendial ideals. The concept of essence preceding existance immediately comes to question. Neo is able to choose and define the life he desires. Neo's old life was charactarized with existential despair as well as a complete lack of freedom. Before accepting the red pill, Neo was aware of the Matrix. He was thoroughly unsatisfed with the way his life was being lived. He knew he wasn't in control, that there was something more than being another cog in the machine. By accepting the red pill, Neo chose to let his actions define him.

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